A Walk in the Woods

By Lee Blessing
Directed by Timothy Near

October 11 - November 10 , 1989

1989-1990 Mainstage Season

The Story

The award-winning play based on an actual event that took place during the arms negotiations in Geneva in 1982. The Russian and American diplomats decide to leave the “table” to see if they can work things out away from the onlookers. A play of humor and feeling that leads to the idea that hope and trust are goals worth pursuing.

Creative & Production Staff

Scenic Designer: Joel Fontaine
Costume Designer: Holly Poe Durbin
Lighting Designer: Peter Maradudin
Stage Manager: T.R. Martin
Assistant Stage Manager: Diana J. Moser


Frank Savino (Andrey Botvinnik)
Greg Thornton (John Honeyman)

Sponsorship & Support

The directorial fee for Ms. Near was underwritten, in part, by a Special Gift from Marian and Maurice L. Hirsch, Jr.