Offshore Signals
By Roger Cornish
Directed by Edward Stern
1988-1989 Mainstage Season
The Story
The arresting drama of a young diplomat in 1943, who becomes aware of information known only at the highest levels of government, regarding what is truly happening in the European war. This fascinating and provocative play looks at diplomatic inaction, complex decisions and the forces in this country striving to make these facts public. The story is true and devastating.
Creative & Production Staff
Scenic Designer: David Potts
Costume Designer: Dorothy Marshall Englis [credited as "Dorothy L. Marshall"]
Lighting Designer: Peter E. Sargent
Stage Manager: Glenn Dunn
Assistant Stage Manager: Steve Marquette
Alan Clarey (Latino, Cordell Hull, Clive Goforth)
Henry Stram (Schmuel)
John MacKay (Breckenridge Long)
Steven Dennis (Robert Harris)
Ronald Wendschuh (Clifford Churchwright)
Susan Pellegrino (Patricia Kirk)
Peter Johl (Rabbi Steven Wise)
BettyAnn Leeseberg-Lange (Secretary, Mrs. Essex, Wren Officer)
Joneal Joplin (Cosgrove Essex, Franklin Delano Roosevelt)
Sponsorship & Support
Honorary Co-Producers:
Stanley and Lucy Lopata
Charles and Joan Newman
Saint Louis Galleria represented by Lee and Barbara Wagman and Mark and Karen Zorensky
Production Notes
This production was the world premiere of Offshore Signals.