The Roommate
The Roommate
“I guess everybody wants to start over.” In the quietest corner of the Midwest, middle-aged Sharon, recently divorced and seeking a sensible roommate, opens her home to Robyn, a mysterious woman with a murky past. Entwining this unlikely duo's lives in shared dish-duty and shady business, Jen Silverman takes us on an uproarious journey of self-discovery, secrets and revelations. Challenge societal norms, embrace the unexpected, and revel in the reinvention that only true friendship can spark in this dark comedy that proves coming of age can happen anytime, anywhere- even your own kitchen table!
Cast & Creative Team
Nancy Bell* - Robyn
Kelley Weber* - Sharon
* Members of Actors' Equity Association
Rebekah Scallet - Director
Lou Bird - Costume Designer
Kareem Deanes - Sound Designer
Jayson M. Lawshee - Lighting Designer
Robert Mark Morgan - Scenic Designer
Production Photos by Jon Gitchoff.
Digital Program