A Midsummer Night's Dream, 2014

Matching Gifts

You can greatly enhance your gift to The Rep through your employer's matching gift program.

Here's how to make it happen:

  1. Contact your personnel office to let them know of your intention to donate. In some cases, you'll fill out a form in print or online to make your matching gift official.

  2. Contact our development department at (314) 687-4031 or by email and we'll complete our half of the donation form (if applicable). We can also provide additional information to help you complete the donation process.

  3. We'll do the rest! Once your form is ready, we'll submit it to your employer for processing.


Donate here!

Want to know if your company matches charitable donations? See the complete list here.



Corporate Contact:
AT&T Corporate Giving
(866) 678-2287

Minimum Matched: $25
Maximum Matched: $15,000
Match Ratio: 1:1
Full-time employees, spouses, and board eligible? Yes
Part-time employees eligible? No
Retirees eligible? Yes

Submission Process: Employees and retirees should submit their matching gift requests electronically at http://att.yourcause.com/attmatching.aspx.

Deadline: While AT&T encourages donors to promptly submit their matching gift forms, AT&T matches donations for up to twelve months after the date of the donation.

Bank of America

Corporate Contact:
Bank of America Foundation
(800) 218-9946

Minimum Matched: $25
Maximum Matched: $5,000
Match Ratio: 1:1
Full-time employees, spouses, and board eligible? Yes
Part-time employees eligible? Yes
Retirees eligible? Yes

Note: As of 2010, Bank of America no longer matches donations made by retirees but retirees are still eligible to participate in the volunteer grant program.

Submission Process: Associates submit matching gift requests electronically by logging in at https://www.cybergrants.com/boa/branch.html.

Deadline: Associates can submit their gifts until March 15th of the year following their donation.


Corporate Contact:
Boeing Corporate Giving Team
(877) 217-6379

Minimum Matched: $25
Maximum Matched: $10,000
Match Ratio: Up to 1:1
Full-time employees eligible? Yes
Part-time employees eligible? Yes
Retirees eligible? Yes

Additional details are available directly on the company intranet (recommended method) or at https://doublethedonation.com/forms/boeing-guidelines.pdf.

Boeing's Matching Gift Submission Process:
Donors should submit their matching gift requests electronically through Boeing's corporate giving site at https://www.cybergrants.com/pls/cybergrants/eg_login.login?x_gm_id=2757&x_pt_id=

Match Ratio: Boeing offers employees a 1:1 match for personal donations while retirees receive a 0.5:1 match.

Submission Deadline: Employees have until January 31st of the year following the date of the donation to submit matching gift requests.

Bunge North America

Corporate Contact:
Bunge Corporation Matching Gift Program

Minimum Matched: $100
Maximum Matched: $2,500
Match Ratio: 1:1
Full-time employees eligible? Yes
Part-time employees eligible? Yes
Retirees eligible? Yes

Bunge’s Matching Gift Submission Process:
Employees should download a copy of the company's most up-to-date matching gift form from the company intranet by searching for "matching gifts".

If you have questions or need assistance, please reach out to your HR or Community Relations departments.

Ernst & Young

Corporate Contact:
Nicole Diaz - Ernst & Young Matching Gift Program Manager
(732) 516 4134

Minimum Matched: $25
Maximum Matched: $10,000
Match Ratio: 1:1
Full-time employees eligible? Yes
Part-time employees eligible? Yes
Retirees eligible? Yes

Combined match requests for all Ernst & Young employees must total at least $2,500 in a year for a single educational institution in order for E&Y to match donations.

Each contribution made by partners, principals, directors, retired partners, or their spouses must be at least $100. Contributions made by all others must be at least $25 each.

Additional details are available at https://doublethedonation.com/forms/ernst-young.pdf

E&Y's Matching Gift Submission Process: Employees/donors should register their matching gift requests electronically through http://www.cybergrants.com/eygives/.

If you have any questions or need assistance please contact the E&Y's matching gift program manager at nicole.diaz@ey.com.

Merrill Lynch

Corporate Contact:
Bank of America Foundation
(800) 218-9946

Minimum Matched: $25
Maximum Matched: $5,000
Match Ratio: 1:1
Full-time employees, spouses, and board eligible? Yes
Part-time employees eligible? Yes
Retirees eligible? Yes

Note: As of 2010, Bank of America no longer matches donations made by retirees but retirees are still eligible to participate in the volunteer grant program.

Submission Process: Associates submit matching gift requests electronically by logging in at https://www.cybergrants.com/boa/branch.html.

Deadline: Associates can submit their gifts until March 15th of the year following their donation.


Corporate Contact:
Monsanto Matching Gift Program
(855) 574-1240

Minimum Matched: $25
Maximum Matched: $5,000
Match Ratio: 1:1
Full-time employees eligible? Yes
Part-time employees eligible? Yes
Retirees eligible? No

Monsanto's Matching Gift Submission Process: Employees/donors should register their matching gift requests electronically at http://www.givingprograms.com/monsanto.

If you have questions or need assistance, call 800-628-2494 or email monsanto@givingprograms.com.

Submission Deadline: Donors must register matching gift requests by February 15th of the year following the donation date.


Corporate Contact:
Pfizer Foundation Employee Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant Program Administrators
(888) 782-3048

Minimum Matched: $25
Maximum Matched: $5,000
Match Ratio: Up to 1:1
Full-time employees, spouses, and board eligible? Yes
Part-time employees eligible? Yes
Retirees eligible? Yes

Current employees are matched at a 1:1 ratio while retirees are matched at a 50% ratio.

Pfizer’s Matching Gift Submission Process: Pfizer employees and retirees (including Warner Lambert) should use the matching gift form which is located here.
Pharmacia Retirees should use the form located here.

Additional Information: You can access additional information by searching the company intranet for “matching gifts” or by going to http://www.pfizerplus.com/gi/give_back.aspx. If you have questions, please contact Pfizer’s employee giving team at (888) 782-3048.


Corporate Contact:
Scottrade General Support Line
(800) 619-7283

Minimum Matched: $25
Maximum Matched: $10,000
Match Ratio: 1:1
Full-time employees eligible? Yes
Part-time employees eligible? Yes
Retirees eligible? No

Scottrade Matching Gift Submission Process: Employees should download a copy of the most up-to-date matching gift form from the company intranet by searching for "matching gifts".

U.S. Bank

Corporate Contact:
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
(866) 243-6925

Minimum Matched: $50
Maximum Matched: $3,000
Match Ratio: 1:1
Full-time employees eligible? Yes
Part-time employees eligible? Yes
Retirees eligible? No

Matching Gift Limits:

  • The first $1,000 donated by all employees is matched at a 1:1 rate.
  • If an employee serves on a nonprofit board, the matching gift limit is raised to the first $3,000 donated (still a 1:1 matching ratio).

U.S. Bank's Matching Gift Submission Process: Employees/donors can submit match requests in electronically at https://federation.usbank.com/idp/startSSO.ping?PartnerSpId=https://www.cybergrants.com.

Submission Deadline: Employees must submit the match requests within one year of making the donation.